Monday, January 25, 2010

dana becomes naked to go swimming

dana leaves her job, at starbucks to drive to very pretty private lake and spring, where dana can go swimming naked with her wearing her hair down , the private lake and spring is off limits to general public.
dana drives with her new friend named hayden panettiere who is a 20 year old full grown woman, who is a pretty woman, who wears her hair down.
when dana and her new friend named hayden panettiere get to the private spring and lake, they meet a very pretty youth goddess named who is a 26 year old full grown woman, she first turns dana in a little girl again, the clothes that she is dropped to dropped to the ground, amanda transports younger dana into a nightgown too for her to wear, after a few minutes ,dana starts getting older and grows back into a full grown 26 year old,very pretty woman, who likes wearing diamond ear rings.
dana walks up to the very beautfull spring and lake , she takes off her nightgown, dana is a naked woman, she jumps in the water, swims freely, without worrying about anything.
hayden panettiere is turn into a 10 year old little girl, by amamda, the youth goddess.
hayden panettere 's cloths that she was wearing drop to the ground, she has turned back into a little girl, she is crying, becasuse she lost her womanhood and had to start as a little girl again.

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